There are 795 registered teams from 39 countries.
There are 20 teams .
Team | Category | School | city | State |
Desi Derivatives | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Divide and Conquer | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Frogmaticians | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Los Desmos Hermanos | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Mathemagicians | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Pi-oneers | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Proof by Dimensional Analysis | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Riemann Mavericks | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Shooting Stars | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
The Alge-bros | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
The Sigmas | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
Velocity i | HS Large | Queen Elizabeth's School | Barnet | -- |
RGS High Wycombe | HS Large | Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe | High Wycombe | -- |
RGS HW | HS Large | Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe | High Wycombe | -- |
E in BioExcellent | HS Large | Seven Kings School | London | -- |
Monke aka wger.king | HS Large | Seven Kings School | London | -- |
A Team | MS Large | Merchant Taylor's School | Northwood | -- |
PrimeNumbers | HS Mixed | University of Southampton | Southampton | -- |
Yintercept | HS Mixed | University of Southampton | Southampton | -- |
Puzzlingpi | MS Small | Father | Watford | -- |