Purple Comet

Purple Comet! Math Meet

Purple Comet! Math Meet

Contest Results

Spring 2007 Results

High School, 1201 students and larger

  • First Place: Qwertifiers (Hwa Chong Institution), with 23 out of 25 correct
  • Second Place: TJ Red (Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology), with 22 out of 25 correct
  • Third Place (tie): AAST Mu A (AAST), TJ Frosh (Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology), Zhu are you (Stuyvesant High School), with 21 out of 25 correct
  • Honorable mentions go to Math Mushrooms and Extra Cheese (Great Neck South High School), Buchholz A Quagga (F.W. Buchholz High School), GL HF (HWA CHONG INSTITUTION), LSRHS (Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School), Three spiders and three omniscient flies (James A. Garfield High School), TJWon (Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology), Sandra Day O'Connor Varsity (Sandra Day O'Connor ), New Mexico Gold (Manzano HS), Omega Overlords (James Madison Memorial High School), Wildcats (Eagan High School), TJ Blue (Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology), Walton Red Raiders (Walton High School), HCI SIMO (Hwa Chong Institution), TJ B (Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology), WX (Hwa Chong Institutuion), Brighton 2.718 (Brighton High School), Buchholz B (Buchholz High School), What Question Mark (Madison West High School), Brute Force (North Penn High School), Pandora's Lunchbox (Stanton College Preparatory School), The Purple Mathadors (Monta Vista High School), Novosibirsk Nihilists (Lubbock High School), Team Most Awesome (Broughton High School), Unrivalled Decadence (Hwa Chong Institution High School Section), AAST Alpha (AAST), Walton Blue Raiders (Walton High School), TJ A (Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology)

    High School, 1-1200 students

  • First Place: Howard Area Homeschoolers HSB (Howard Area Homeschoolers), with 19 out of 25 correct
  • Second Place (tie): Red Rhinos (Taft School), Lakeside Alpha (Lakeside), Detroit Country Day Blue (Detroit Country Day School), New Mexico's Royal Flush (Albuquerque Academy), with 18 out of 25 correct
  • Honorable mentions go to RC Dream Team (Robert College of Istanbul), Greenhill (Greenhill School), Wheatley Wildcalcs (The Wheatley School), Detroit Country Day Gold (Detroit Country Day School), Lakeside Beta (Lakeside School), Iolani Raiders (Iolani School), Amazons (Taft School), Revere A (Revere High School), Blazers (Great Neck North High School), Worcester Academy (Worcester Academy), Tatnall Hornets (The Tatnall School), CNTraianL1 (National College Traian), AAST Alpha (AAST), Erke A. S. (Robert College of Istanbul), MSMS -Team Triangle (Mississippi School for Math and Science)

    High School, mixed teams

  • First Place (tie): JMM-SP-MW (Madison Memorial), Thunder is the same thing as lightning (Henderson High School), with 21 out of 25 correct
  • Third Place: Palo Alto (Ge), with 20 out of 25 correct
  • Fourth Place: Logarhythm and Blues (White Station High School), with 19 out of 25 correct
  • Fifth Place: TAMS (Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science), with 16 out of 25 correct
  • Honorable mentions go to Philippine Team B (Mathematics Trainers' Guild Philippines)

    Middle School, 401 students and larger

  • First Place (tie): ghetto (Redwood Middle School), Manchester Middle A (Manchester Middle), Asian Radicals (Boulan Park Middle School), Tiger Cubs (SOUTH PASADENA MIDDLE SCHOOL), CMS undefined (Cupertino Middle School), with 13 out of 15 correct
  • Honorable mentions go to HCI Team A (Hwa Chong Institution), Jordan Boys (JJ Jordan Middle School), Poh-Tah-Toh Greece (Suncrest Middle School), Almost Nationallers (Hamilton), Cat Number Crunchers (AMCMS), Lions 1 (Hyde Middle School), Weebo (St. Margaret Mary), Life equals Math plus Math (Highland Park Middle School), Numero Uno (NYC Lab School), Panther 2 (Kennedy), Binomial Bees (Honey Creek Middle School), Manchester Middle D (Manchester Middle), Team Ninja Penguin (Fairview Middle School), Powell Maroon team (Powell Middle School), Knights Two (St. John's School), The Coach Eds (Simmons Middle), Panther 5 (Kennedy), Two Plus Two Equals Five (Kellogg Middle School), Hunter Spazzy Pi People (Hunter College High School), Hobos (Hanes Middle School), French Onions (Honey careke MS), Math Eagles (Jefferson Middle School), BAM Knights (Buist Academy), Fluffy Puffy Pink Marshmallows (Suncrest Middle School), Blah (Del Webb Middle School), Xenocide (International School of Beijing), JJBEAT (Jackson Heights Middle School), Geek Squad (East Pennsboro Middle School), CNTraianG (National College Traian), Dawg 1 (Rolla Jr. High)

    Middle School, 1-400 students

  • First Place: YellowjacketsOne (Detroit Country Day Middle School), with 15 out of 15 correct
  • Second Place: Border Patrol (Cistercian Prep School), with 13 out of 15 correct
  • Third Place: V's G's (ICAE), with 12 out of 15 correct
  • Fourth Place: Parish Middle 1 (Parish Episcopal School), with 11 out of 15 correct
  • Fifth Place: MagPi (Portola M.S. Highly Gifted Magnet), with 10 out of 15 correct
  • Honorable mentions go to Mathorocco (Al Akhawayn School of Ifrane), Prime Factors (University School), YellowjacketsTwo (Detroit Country Day Middle School), King Bron James 23 (ICAE)

    Middle School, mixed teams

  • First Place (tie): BASIC Homeschools (BASIC Homeschools), Jordan Boys (JLS-Terman Middle School), the Calculator Crew (University of Chicago Laboratory Schools), with 12 out of 15 correct
  • Fourth Place (tie): Philippine Team C (Mathematics Trainers' Guild Philippines), Hazleton Math Masters (Valley Elementary Middle School), with 11 out of 15 correct
  • Honorable mentions go to FCH (Frederick Christian Homeschoolers), Charlie Hotel Echo Charlie Charlie (CHECC Math Club), Philippine Team D (Mathematics Trainers' Guild Philippines)

    Individual team scores and a breakdown of the results can be seen here.

    Coaches: Please encourage your teams that scores below 50% are not uncommon. The problems offered in these meets are of the same calibre as those offered in the top national mathematics exams, and can be quite challenging. We are very pleased to see teams performing as well as they have, and we know they will rise to the challenge and perform even better in the meets to come.

    Congratulations to all the teams that participated. We look forward to challenging these excellent students again! We have tentatively scheduled our next mathematics meet for Spring 2008 and invite you to compete, to spread the word about the competition to your friends and colleagues, and to send to us your comments about our competition.